Jannick Stein

Hi, I’m Jannick.

I’m Chief of Staff at Ledgy. I’m the Founder of Chiefs Of Stuff. I’m a Generalist.

Generalists run the world. The best founders of companies, movements, and societies are generalists. They share ambition, curiosity, and, most importantly, versatility.

I share my musings on technology, generalists, and beyond in my newsletter (coming soon) and in shorter form on Twitter.

Before joining Ledgy, I learned from incredible founders in my first generalist role at Acapela. Previously, I worked in venture capital at Global Founders Capital and b2venture. I graduated from the University of St. Gallen with a BA in Business Administration.

I grew up in northern Germany and live in London. I love coffee, chess, and drumming.

I like to meet new people, especially if they’re opinionated. Reach out to me via Twitter and LinkedIn DMs.